Thursday, September 20, 2012

Peaceful Diplomatic Alternatives DO Exist!

The universal declaration of human rights charter (UDHR) is a spiritual document, based on fundamental equality that is universal for all

Mo’a Anbassa – conquering Lion hath prevailed!

Virgin Mariam (Ethiopian Orthodox Faith)          Catholic an Anglican Church
Empire of Ethiopia                                                    New World (Jesuit) Order

Theocratic self governance in                                          indentured commercial servitude as
fundamental equality for all                                             IMF tax-payer in global Jesuit matrix

King Alpha and Queen Omega                Queen Elizabeth and Pope Benedict xvi

Divine Son of Humanity                     Jesuits Governor General

Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I©           v.              His Excellency Sir Patrick Allen, OJ
Anointed One of Ethiopia, Lion of Judah      v.     Jesuits representative of Jamaica
Human Rights Ambassador                    v.             Commercial Citizens Rites
Universal Human Rights Law                  v.            Commercial customs and traditions
Implementation of fundamental               v.            Conformity and complacency under 
equality under international law                             a bankrupt legal fiction in commerce

Babylon (confusion) must no longer be king over humanity, as Emperor Haile Selassie I, our Christian human rights law-giver, have set a righteous debt free system of fundamental equality for all at the UN treaty organization in Geneva, but global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination is making humanity feel politically inferior an commercially small.

How are we to decide between unrighteous Jesuit world rulership, and Lion of Judah in Ethiopia human rights leadership, if we never knew we had the indigenous international human rights to diplomatically CHOOSE how our global commerce (trade) is operated and maintained today in 2012.

Universal Human Rights Choice 
– peaceful alternatives do exist

political ascension and diplomatic manifestation 
of our sovereign Lord (political master) 
Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem
(Jesus Christ savior of the bankrupt modern world of commerce today)

Vote for the implementation of Lion of Judah in Ethiopia's international human rights, so we can elevate our international political status as a nation. The defacto queen’s governor general cannot and will not negotiate on behalf of the people’s indigenous international rights, as this will create a conflict of interest with his position as the representative of the defacto queen only.

Today, our political unity in collective security under international human rights law, can diplomatically change the way humans are being mis-treated under global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination by evil international bankers. It is critical to restore our Lion of Judah in Ethiopia’s sacred dignity (value) in the divine covenant (UN charter) in which he gifted to humanity in fundamental equality for all.

These extreme differences in the cultures of our global world of commerce today, Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination and Lion of Judah in Ethiopia’s fundamental equality for all, is causing great religious and political persecutions of indigenous tewahedo Christians in Jamaica. Therefore, just as the 1929 Lateran treaty was established between Italy and Vatican, so shall we negotiate a universal human rights peace treaty (2012) with the people of Jamaica, and tewahedo Christians in Jamaica, with accommodation under Vienna convention on diplomatic intercourse and diplomatic relations in global commerce of today!

Human rights are internationally protected privileges established by our Ethiopian human rights law-giver in global commerce (trade); whereas, Jesuit commercial (contractual) rites are commercial benefits granted by a bankrupt government corporation (legal fiction) in commerce.

As we awaken to the international rule of human rights law of this modern business world of commerce (trade), we will diplomatically shed global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination and its commercial state of Babylon (confusion)., for a brand new diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) under the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all

Nothing in our physical existence can change our political state of affairs, other than the universal declaration for human rights charter (divine covenant), so we must become innovative with how we self interpret the UN charter, as NO ONE holds a monopoly over its interpretation which was gifted to all humanity by our Lion of Judah in Ethiopia in 1948.

Let us break up out of superstition and f.e.a.r. (false expectations appearing real), as necessity is laid upon us to put on the full diplomatic suit of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia), our human rights law-giver, so that we may politically stand against the evil machinations (extreme taxation) of global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, and diplomatically rise a debt free UN Planetary kingdom of equality in righteousness, in collective security with the sovereign voice of the all.

Securing Christ’s human rights glory (magnificence in human rights law) is fundamental in global commerce (trade), as human beings are like rudderless ships, destined to crash in the Jesuit Sea of global commerce (trade), without the human rights law of fundamental equality for all.

If we were not endowed with human rights intelligence from our Creator, we would not be seeking a diplomatic Rapture by the sovereign voice of the people in collective security under international human rights law, so that we may reprove unrighteous Jesuit rulership in our global world of commerce (trade) today.

If a Son of Jamaica diplomatically rises up as a self elected Ethiopian Orthodox Human Rights Ambassador, which Jamaican parent would tell him not to secure and defend our universal human rights to the highest standard of living and health, with private capital (money mint) to build, develop, and establish Jamaican wealth (island of Jamaica), with political and cultural autonomy?

We must politically unite and invoke the spirit (intelligence) of universal human rights, to END this global Jesuit Supremacy intellectual fight, and diplomatically live a debt free l.i.f.e.

we have a peaceful diplomatic alternative to END tacit allegiance (agreement by silence) under IMF globalization policies (political genocide) in commerce, in which we have commercially killed off our tacit ly imposed 3rd world (non-human recognition) status, to diplomatically determine our own political destiny in global commerce today.

Crucifixion (political persecutions by human peers) of Iyesus

We must choose human rights law of fundamental equality for all, over Jesuit Supremacy commercial rites (customs an traditions) in Jamaica, or face more extreme measures in trade. For only the sovereign voice of the people and not IMF tax-paying politicians that openly reject and deny human rights, can and must change the political structure in any given democracy today.

As a political prisoner of conscience (knowing human rights from Jesuit wrongs, and choosing human rights) in Jamaica, we are stateless and displaced Ethiopian Orthodox Human Rights Defenders seeking an international amnesty (diplomatic pardon) to the UN treaty organization for human claimants, so that we may diplomatically claim our own indigenous identity, as an Ethiopian Noble – sovereign member of the Royal Christian Solomonic Dynasty

Our Lady, the Holy (sacred - debt free) 
Virgin (politically non-aligned) Mariam

Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo 
Faith of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia)

Exercising Political Emancipation 2012: 
Standing for International Equality with human peers... 

Matewos (Matthew) 4:1-25
revised by our Ethiopian Messiah in Commerce today!

1 Then Iyesus was led by the spirit (intelligence) up into the Jesuit wilderness in cyber-space to be tempted by the Devil (P.o.p.e – politically oppressive people enemy). 2 After he had fasted forty days and forty nights, then he felt hungry. 3 Also, the Tempter (Joey Ratzinger) came and said to him: “If you are a son of Elect of God in Ethiopia, tell these stones (politically dead people) to become loaves of bread (Redeemers And Saviors Towards All -  those who come for the diplomatic salvation of the bankrupt modern world today, 2012).”

4 But in reply he said: “It is written, ‘Human beings must diplomatically live, not on bread (redemption doctrine) alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Abba Jahnoy’s mouth (law of the Emperors of Ethiopia).’” 5 Then the Devil (P.o.p.e) took him along into the unholy Vatican city, and he stationed him upon the battlement of the temple 6 and said to him: “If you are a Son of Elect of the God in Ethiopia, hurl yourself down; for it is written, ‘He will give his angels a charge concerning you, and they will carry you on their hands, that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone.’” 7 Iyesus said to him: “Again it is written, ‘You must not put Abba Jahnoy your Elect of God in Ethiopia to the diplomatic test.’”

8 Again the Devil (P.o.p.e) took him along to an unusually high mountain (United Nations), and showed him all the kingdoms of the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade) and their glory (world debt of 534 trillion dollars owed to head Jesuit General), 9 and he said to him: “All these things I an I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship (obey Jesuit money law) to me.”

10 Then Iyesus said to him: “Go away, Satan (slanderer an resistor to human brotherhood)! For it is written, ‘It is Abba Jahnoy your Elect of God in Ethiopia you must worship (unconditionally love – obey Emperors UN law of Equality), and it is to His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) alone you must render sacred diplomatic service.’”

So cut it out Satan (pope), you KNOW the Son of Humanity have sovereign (politically free) powers (human rights knowledge) to not only discharge IMF commercial (contractual) debt obligations in global commerce, but to also diplomatically forgive commercial sins (transgressions against Emperors UN law of Equality) everywhere, here on earth (193 member nation states)

Besides, I an I cannot violate my Abba Jahnoy’s (Father Majesty’s) divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, especially when we have been diplomatically sent by the sovereign Voice of humanity, to officially discharge all pecuniary an non-pecuniary IMF Jesuit astronomical national debt obligations, that economically stagnate the moral intuition of human conscience (knowing right from wrong an choosing right) in global commerce today. 11 Then the Devil left him alone, and, look! Angels (conscience human beings – private diplomats) came and began to minister (serve) to His Imperial Majesty in Jamaica.

Jamaica is a symbolic Gal´i•lee of the bankrupt nation states today in 2012! 16 the people sitting in Jesuit darkness (IMF debt) saw a great human rights light, and as for those sitting in a region of deathly shadow in global commerce (trade), human rights light diplomatically rose upon them.” 17 From that time on Iyesus commenced ONLINE in CYBER-SPACE preaching and saying: “Repent, ALL humanity, for the debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness (the heavens) has drawn near at the END of this Piscean Age today in 2012.”

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